D. Streeter was born in the small city of Elyria, Ohio outside of Cleveland. She was raised in the inner city of Birmingham, Alabama until her mother moved her and her brother to Atlanta where she has been ever since. Graduating from both high school, (Ronald E. McNair High) and college (Clark Atlanta University BA History ‘12) in the Atlanta area, she currently serves as a manager at a metro Atlanta area grocery store, while she gets her “love projects” off the ground. She has a love for all art and has been honing her crafts in her spare time. D.Streeter is also a proud member of both the LGBTQI Community and the African-American Community, living in an ever changing south.
“We declare our right on this earth...to be a human being, to be respected as a human being , to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring to existence by any means necessary.” - Malcolm X
Once, when I was 5 years old, I saw a dad scaring his kid with a monster mask. The kid was crying and the dad was laughing. I walked right up and let him know it wasn't funny to make people feel sad or scared. And in a case of HARD foreshadowing, my first complete sentence was "I just want to do what I want to do".
Those two examples are pretty much still me in a nutshell.
I think life is full of opportunities for us to help each other feel happy and safe.
And yes, even as a "grown-up" I still just want to do what I want to do; and since September of 2017, I've been doing just that. I am in the process of opening a food truck where I will get to feed people every day. I still can't totally believe it when I say it. I get to feed people. Every day.
I love going on adventures and I'm having a blast navigating my way through this current one.
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Featuring the song "Galaxy Love"